Saturday, 31 December 2011

Almost There.....

Today I found a list......
I really don't remember writing it.
Or is it that I don't want to .

This time last year I made a New Years Resolution List.

1. No crisps. ( I don't think this one was ever going to work!)

2. No magazines, extra to the subscriptions I already have.
( Epic fail! Not only have I taken out a couple of extra subscriptions
but I have also continued to treat myself to others. Definitely have a problem here!)
3. Keep a diary. (Not very impressive....only managed to make it to February)
4. Complete the daily Flylady missions. ( Sometimes)
5. Remember birthdays. ( Does it count if the card is late?)
6. Keep car park change in the car. ( Wow! Something I am doing!!)
7. Sort out my hair. (Went to the hairdressers once.....)
8. Buy Book Club books only. ( Another one that was never going to happen.)
9. See a live band with the kids. ( Does it count if the band isn't famous?)
10. Learn to crochet. ( This is a definite yes! Very proud of my work so far.)

I think a little more effort in terms of specific goals is required next year.