Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Today I made....

Lots of quilt pieces.
It is so therapeutic to sit at my machine sewing.
Sitting sewing, chatting to a good friend,
drinking tea and generally setting the world straight.
What more could a girl want?

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Welcome Home!

Oh how I have missed you my special friend.

It was lovely to sit down and start a project that has been in the pipe line
for a very long time.
Truth be told I've been putting it off, although I'm not sure why.
Skip over to this post by Lucy and Norman
As you can see this beautiful quilt was posted in November 2010.
I had not realised how long I had been contemplating this quilt.
Perhaps it's because I haven't made a quilt before?

The pieces are cut
and I am on my way!

"Invent your world.
 Surround yourself with people,
 colour, sounds and work that nourish you."
- Sark

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Resolved to Sew 2012

Oh I can't wait until tomorrow afternoon.
I should get my beloved sewing machine back.
I have so many plans.
I want to make my first quilt.
I want to make some more kindle covers.
I want, I want, I want!

Yesterday I found the most amazing give away.
The prizes look fantastic.
I have wondered where to get Kate Spain's fabric
and Amy Butler's latest devine fabric - her Lark collection.
Any of the fabric collections would be a real treat for any fabric lover.

Well until my machine returns
 I will carry on with my crochet projects.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Am I bothered.....

Today I chased up my missing sewing machine.
It's been 10 days and I had heard nothing.
Apparently it only needs a service....
that's not what it sounded like and it certainly didn't work.
Still ...if it's going to make it better....


Is this normal?

I've had along cold and wet walk with my dog to calm down.
Now I'm looking through some beautiful books.
Next I will get my crochet out.
Then will I calm down?

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Today I Made........

For a long time I have loved following
Last August ( 3rd 2011) she revealed the most beautiful blanket.
It is called the Gypsy Caravan Blanket
and is totally divine.
So today, following her Grandala Square Tutorial,
I started my own.....

I think this may take some time!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Thursday's Thought

"A day will never be any more than what you make of it.
Practise being a doer!"
-Josh Hinds

This is how I'd like to spend most days.

But I really need to do some planning
and 'doing'.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

A Good Day

Today my daughter rescued me.
It's amazing how desperate I have been
 to sew something since my machine ground to a halt.
Then a life line was thrown....
'Mum, you can borrow mine'

I really didn't think it would be up to the task,
but it was more than capable.
It is a John Lewis machine and it cost £50 this time last year.
It is a fantastic little machine to start with.

Today I made.....

a kindle case.

I still miss my machine.
Is no news good news when you are talking about a sewing machine?

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Today I Made........

A Kindle cover....
well I would have, if I could have.
Turns out my lovely sewing machine is poorly.
So instead of sewing round the edges I was dashing into town,
to the sewing machine shop. Apparently they need to send it away.
Let's hope the bill is not extreme (something tells me it will be).

However, I did manage to make some delicious Scotch Broth,
and catch up with a good friend.
So the day wasn't all bad.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Thursday's Thought

"A year from now you will wish you had started today"
- Karen Lamb

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Today I Made........

Today I made my list of goals for 2012.

Christmas saw the arrival of a kindle. I wasn't sure if I would like it,
 but I can definitely say 'I love it'.
Within a couple of hours I had loaded up about 30 books,
 and not at vast expense either.

The best book so far has been
"How to do Everything and be Happy"  by Peter Jones
( no, not the Dragon's Den man!)
This is a great little book about list making and Goal setting.

I have written my 'Now List' and my 'Wish List' and my 'Goals List'.
Also making monthly dates in my diary as to when I will work on my lists.

I won't bore you with my now list or wish list at this time, but here are my goals-

1. I am a successful crafter.
 I have a blog,an etsy account and regularly attend craft fairs.
(by 31st Dec. 2012)

2. I weigh under 10 stone. I am a target member at Slimming World.
(by 31st Dec. 2012)

3. I cook a meal from scratch daily, using vegetables I have grown myself.
(by 31st Dec. 2012)

As none of the statements are remotely true at the moment,
 other than I have a blog and am a member of Slimming World,
I have a lot of work to do!

As you can see from today's photos I am also putting forward an excuse
as to why there is very little crafting going on.
Before the holiday I decided to move my work place into the study.
I think I know where to start.....